Hi Friend!
I’m Kim Scott, producer and host of the Spots of Time Podcast!
I am living my sixth decade on this place called earth!
And YES! I have been through some stuff. Lots of ups and downs, and ins and outs…how about you? Where are you on this journey of life?
Through my journey, I have gained much wisdom and insight about myself and about what it means to live up to my purpose. I think these are gifts God has given me - the gift of wisdom and insight.
That’s what I have been sharing with many throughout my life and what I hope to continue to share with Spots of Time.

William Wordsworth, a famous poet in the 18th century, wrote about “spots of time” in his poem, “The Prelude.”
Wordsworth described “spots of time” as moments out of ordinary life…He said these “spots of time” can bring a sense of peace and understanding and can nourish and repair our minds.
The Spots of Time Podcast is for those who ultimately seek hope and healing and who want to nourish their mind and soul.
Overall, my hope and my prayer is that Spots of Time will enable you to mount those mountains in front of you, to lift your spirit, inspire new thoughts, transform tired behaviors and attitudes, empower hope and healing…
and if nothing else, I hope it brings forth a little food for thought and perhaps some joy and laughter to your day.
The Butterfly Effect.
For many years now, people have referred to my ministry as the Butterfly Effect to describe how I strive to usher in soothing, life-giving and insightful messages often resulting in the transformation of others in thought and action.


"There are in our existence spots of time,
that with distinct pre-eminence retain
a renovating virtue...
that penetrates, enables us to mount,
when high, more high,
and lifts us up when fallen."
- William Wordsworth -